Directions Blog

GPS Safety Month

GPS Safety Month

GPS considers the safety and health of every employee to be a top consideration in conducting day-to-day business. We believe in protecting our employees as much as possible through a proactive and on-going Safety Program which includes safety training, periodic client safety audits and a hotline to allow our employees to report safety hazards anonymously.

GPS partners with clients to insure GPS employees are treated and respected as a client would treat and respect an employee on their payroll.  In addition, GPS ensures that our employees are provided with the same safety training that a client would provide to their employee.

GPS will achieve safety goals through employee training, safety awareness and employee participation.

GPS safety mission statement:

Safeguarding GPS employees by sustaining a culture that promotes safety awareness.

Nanci Fields, CEO
MJ Sorrell, COO
Barbara Greene HSE Compliance & Training Director

From the NSC website: #gogreenforsafety #NSM




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