Directions Blog

Ladder Safety Month

Ladder Safety Month

March is Ladder Safety Month.


GPS challenge of the week…Ladder Safety! The American Ladder Institute (ALI) has designated March as National Ladder Safety Month, an opportunity to raise awareness and provide resources to decrease the number of ladder-related incidents.

You the worker can reduce the chance of falling during a climb by: wearing slip-resistant shoes with heavy soles, using towlines, climbing slowly, deliberately and avoiding sudden movements. DO NOT STAND on the top step of a ladder. NEVER attempt to move a ladder while standing on it.

If you experience or see a safety concern on your assignment, please contact our Safety Hotline at 803-760-1441 or contact your local GPS office.

If you are injured on your assignment, please call MEDCOR at 1-800-775-5866 then contact your local GPS office.

GPS where Safety is Everybody’s Job…My Job…Your Job! Let’s make 2019 GPS Safety Awareness Year!

Check out our website for additional information.


Barbara Greene
GPS Safety Specialist

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