Directions Blog

Cold Stress!

Cold Stress!

Cold Stress!


GPS challenge of the week…COLD STRESS! Cold stress is when your body is unable to warm itself. Cold stress, just like heat stress, is a serious illness.

Freezing temperature + High wind speed + wetness = Cold Stress Situation.

If you are working outdoors this winter and these conditions are present, please take precautions. Wear appropriate clothing, go inside to warm yourself, drink warm, sweet beverages. Avoid drinks with caffeine (coffee, tea or hot chocolate). Wear a hat and gloves; in addition, wear clothing that will keep water away from the skin.

Cold stress is not a common occurrence in SC, AZ or AR.

If you experience or see a safety concern on your assignment, please contact our GPS Safety Hotline at 803-760-1441 or contact your local GPS office.

If you are injured on your assignment, please call MEDCOR at 1-800-775-5866 then contact your local GPS office.

GPS where Safety is Everybody’s Job…My Job…Your Job!  The more often you TAKE 10 SECONDS to identify existing or potential hazards the better equipped you are to create a safer work environment.  Let’s TAKE 10 SECONDS!

Check out our website for additional information.


Barbara Greene
GPS Safety Specialist

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