Directions Blog

Safety Choices

Safety Choices

Safety Choices


GPS challenge of the week…Good Choices vs Bad Choices!  Every day we make choices that affect our future.  Some of these choices are good like wearing your PPE, following proper procedures, not removing machine guarding and not taking safety shortcuts!

At one time or another, 72% of employees take safety shortcuts putting themselves and others at risk of serious injury.  Make the good choices!

If you experience or see a safety concern on your assignment, please contact our GPS Safety Hotline at 803-760-1441 or contact your local GPS office.

If you are injured on your assignment, please call MEDCOR at 1-800-775-5866 then contact your local GPS office.

GPS where Safety is Everybody’s Job…My Job…Your Job! Let’s make 2019 GPS Safety Awareness Year!

Check out our website for additional information.


Barbara Greene
GPS Safety Specialist

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